Well I am finally getting on here and trying to get this right, lol..I have no idea what I am doing, and will learn as I go.
I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year.
We had a Great Christams this year.. very tiring, but a lot of fun.
We decided to finally go with a white christmas tree this year. and WOW, I am so glad we did.. It was beautiful..
I love all the old vintage Christmas decoratins.. as my aunt once said, " you like all the stuff I would throw out" Well yes, I do...
I have a collection of vintage paper houses, and anything old I can find that is Christmas to decorate with.
I have posted a few photos of our living room at Christmas.. I also posted a picture of the best Vintage Santa Curtains.. My uncle gave me. He thought it was a table cloth, and got this at a yard sale. When he pulled them out of the box, he was disappointed, and I was thrilled.. so he let me have them, and I had to hang on my french doors.. I just love them !!!!
Well Hopefully I will get the hang of this soon, and post on a regular basis.
My website is almost finished. I am stocking it this weekend, and hopefully it will open next weekend.
My new website is http://www.pinkdaisys.com/ Be sure to check it out.
I will be listing all the things I sew and "craft".. I have so many ideas in my head, and just trying to write them all down and do them all, is a whole different story.
I hope you enjoy my blog...
hey mechelle =) welcome to blogland! debbie