First off, Happy Mothers Day to all. Boy I have been super busy the past few weeks. It seems it all the things you volunteer for, just come at one time, or one right after another and you can hardly come up for air.
So what has been happening.. I turned 40 on April 27th, These are kids all dressed up to take mom to dinner.
We have a new Star in the family, Carly. She had her Third grade musical and it was very cute!

Here is the whole third grade singing. They had a great time and our music teacher is the best!

I have been sewing like crazy.. Had an art show.. Here are few things I had for the show.

I love this one, it is so pretty and romantic looking..

A fun colorful one too!

One of the stands my husband made me to hang my purses off. He did a great job!

I have a totally new respect for anyone who does art/craft shows..WOW is that a lot of work. Not only just making it all, which you need to start like a year ahead if your name is Mechelle, and you have a problem saying NO to volunteering!, lol..But just the set up, and all the things you need. I have never done a show before and had NO idea what I was doing. I have a few good friends who did help me, Corie I would of been lost without your support :) Thank you! You are the best!!!!!! But I had a great time, and I will so do it again. I have learned that Crafters are nice people! They want to share and help out and I made some wonderful new friends too. It was a great day.

Here a few purses I did.. I love SIS BOOM fabric and think it makes everything you sew, look so pretty! So I used a lot of this fabric and boy ole boy did I get a lot of compliments on the fabrics. Thanks Jennifer, your fabrics are the best!

A very good friend of mine, Emily, came to the show with her girls and they worked my booth so I could get out for a while. I love walking around at shows, but when you working one, you can't do this, unless you think to have someone help you.. Yes, that was added to my list of things to do and change. But look at this great thing I got for my garden.

All these items were made from glass bowls, cups, plates.. and I mean they are BEAUTIFUL and boy do they sparkle in the garden. I wanted it all.. but settled for the red one for my yard.. Very afordable at $12.00 I love them all.

Are these wonderful or what? I had a sweet girl come into my tent and tell me she heard someone was up the way with the same kind of fabrics she had on her buckets, but done in purses and arpons. Well that was me, lol.. Anyway when I wondered out for a while, I found her tent and WOW, beautiful tins all covered in the best fabrics.. How can this not make you smile? And pretty your things will be in these.

yes, I had to get a few.. Love them!

And one of my favorites, are these cute and adorable coffee scoops.. Are these great or what? They really are one of a kind and lucky me I got one for Mother's Day!

So this is what I have been doing.. We also just had a flower sale for our school all weekend, and I co-chair that with a few other moms and that also took up a lot of time.. but I am back to blog on a regular basis! I have some wonderful things to give away! So check back daily as I have things to list and things to make you smile! And hey, turning 40 was not as bad as I thought.. Have a great night!~ Mechelle