Monday, January 9, 2012

Learning to say NO

WOW, First off, Happy New Year to all of you!  I sorta took a LONG time off from blog land, because I do not know how to say NO when asked to help at school or anything else :)  I am learning to say NO, let's see how that goes.. Anyway.. with saying NO, you learn that you "free" up a LOT of time to do the things you want to do, and that are on your list... and your project table.. and every other table in the house, in my case :)  I am putting my house back to gether from what looks like a crazy person was living here, with way too many projects and way too many "sure I can help with that".. So I have been busy getting new things to the shop, working on Valentine's Day things and I have to say.. saying NO is NICE!
Here are a few things I have been able to do since learning the word NO!
A few new items at the shop

I LOVE those old school house lights.. I have three of them...

More vintage sheet music..Framed.. $12.00 a piece.. if you want one, let me know :)

Crammed Full.. with lots more to come!

Here are a few waterless snow globes I had left over.. I LOVE making these!

A peek at my booth in the shop next door to my furniture..It needs to be re-stocked too.

And the best for last.. This is Sam.. he is the brother of Macy's friend.. Since it was too cold outside to "sell" lemonade.. he brought out his piano and decided to play for tips.. Isn't that too cute?

He plays beautifully and is the sweetest kid around!
Well back to saying "NO" and getting things done.. I need a good organizational blog.. Any suggestions? My life and house could use a good organized sweep!


  1. Hi Mechelle. Great getting caught up with you. I know how hard it is to say "no", but a valuable lesson for a busy Mom. Priorities, you know.
    Your booths both look great, but am sure you have some great new stuff coming.
    I thing Sam has the makings of an entreperneur.
    What a cutie pie.

  2. Hi Mechelle,

    Wow, you have some great items in your booth! I may need to visit the eastside this week. :-)
    That Sam is a cute and clever one.


  3. Mechelle,
    Your booth looks awesome. I went by the shop - the lady working there said you're a popular girl.

    Good luck on saying "no".

  4. Mechelle-
    I had some questions about where you have a booth. I am in Northern Kentucky and my Mom lives in Milford, so it could work. If you had time could you email the details of your rental (rent, space available, contact etc) Your booths look great.

  5. Dear Doc obodo, Thank you for your patience with me during my custom spell casting.

    During the middle for February my long time on again off again girlfriend broke up with me. She had some major problems going on in her life at the time and I was receiving some of the blame for them and she just felt it would be better if we were not together. And in typical fashion she handled the break up poorly and completely ignored me as she always did during prior break ups. I also had 2 recent deaths in my family (1 happened before we broke up and the other happened about 2 months later). So I had a lot of stress going on in my life. I hired Spells from Doc Obodo @ around the middle of February; they had a money back guarantee which made me feel that they must be good at what they do. So I went into this thinking that I would have my ex back in about 4 weeks. Well as time dragged on I started to feel as if this was not going to work at all. During all of this she moved, her phone number was disconnected and I thought this was over for good. In fact I decided that I had better get used to being single again and I tried to forget about her. I started hanging out with my friends more, I even wrote to Lilly requesting my money back. Lilly told me that she felt that this would work, that I had to remain positive and she felt that things would turn around. Throughout all of this Lilly always would amazingly get back to me quickly when I would send her an e-mail, usually within a few hours of the email being sent. As I had been pretty negative about this throughout most of the last 4 weeks I decided to follow her advice and let them continue casting for me. I completely tried to put my ex out of my mind as best I could and kept myself pretty busy, something that I had not done much of since we had broken up. Memorial Day night she called me and told me that she wanted us back together, that she missed me a lot, and that I had to let her know right then and there as we were on the phone if we were going to get back together. I was shocked, each time we did get back together before it was always me that made the 1st move; never had she made the 1st move. We have seen each other almost every night since then and things are getting back to where they used to be. I have to tell you it’s still really hard to believe. She is pretty nervous talking around me sometimes since we have gotten back together and I notice that she is trying to be careful not to say or do the wrong can reach Doc Obodo personal cell @ +2348155425481 if you want to talk to him

    ~Tim – Long Beach, CA, USA
