Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pimping my blog

OK, I have been blog reading for sometime now, and I have found a few that I just LOVE.. As I am new to this, bare with me as I am trying to "pimp my blog" I found a great website that offers great backgrounds and easy directions. The site is: Great site, check them out.
But for me right now, I am trying to figure out how to get the header straight and even on the page.. I also want to learn how to do the side bars and how to list all my favorite blogs that I have come to read daily! I have to admit that when I first started out on this, I really did not understand it, the whole blogging thing.. Now it has become my new past time and I am so surprised how much I have learned and how many nice people are out there willing to help you with a sewing project or anything!
Yeah, I think I will keep this blogging thing up and hopefully figure out how to make my blog as nice as some of the other ones I read.. and hopefully someone will read this and appreciate the work, lol...

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